
How Digital Signage is Transforming the College Campus

Innovative colleges and universities now turn to digital signage to share important messages with students. The shift not only offers time- and money-saving benefits to institutions but also enhances the quality of campus life for students and faculty.

Colleges are places where tons of information is distributed every day – and not just in classes. Students want to hear about everything from that day's lunch options to their professors' office hours to emergency alerts. Administrators and other people responsible for getting that information out often find it challenging to get relevant information to students and visitors without also overloading them with info they don't need.

Keep your students and staff informed by displaying upcoming campus events, announcements, and alerts. Provide real-time information through digital signage, interactive screens, room schedule displays or with the eMaa digital signage software. Our powerful digital signage software is a great way to increase communication throughout your campus.

Let’s now look at the ways colleges are using digital signage today!

Your College Campus Events and Class Listings

You will never have to worry about managing your class and event schedule. We will incorporate your Campus Management software with every digital display. This enables for automated real-time updates of schedules, seminars, other campus calendar events. When the information in your college campus software updates so will the data on your digital sign. This eliminates the need for your administration to update the content listing manually.

Emergency announcements

Over 40 percent of schools don't have instructions for what to do in an emergency posted in their labs and residence. Even more schools fail to post those instructions in other buildings. However, a student or faculty or staff member could be anywhere when a crisis strikes. How will they get information? How will they know what to do?

Centralized digital signage allows colleges and universities to get the word out whenever and wherever on campus. Screens can flash in bold colors to draw attention to the emergency alert and provide instructions on where students should go and what they should do to be safe. As long as there's power and internet access, the signs can be updated instantly and remotely.

Department Social Media Feeds

Students attending college today are part of a new generation that of have grown up with social media and have come to embrace it. By adding social media streams to your college’s digital signage you creating a visually appealing experience for students that will keep them engaged with the screens.

With the various department specific social media feeds, each professor can post new content, an issue on the fly updates and lesson plans to the social media feed, and students can instantly view the updates on the screens across the college campus.